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About me



  • 2021 - Present
    PT. Tirta Bangun Nusantara (PT. Nusantara Infrastructure Group)


  • 2012 - 2021
    PT. Tirta Bangun Nusantara (PT. Nusantara Infrastructure Group)

    GM Commercial

    commercial identification of water infrastructure projects
    project development of water infrastructure projects
    contract negotiation
    closing the project loan financing
    monitoring project implementation of developed water infrastructure projects

  • 2014 - 2021
    PT. Sarana Catur Tirta Kelola (a subsidiary of PT. Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk.)

    Technical & Operation Director

    Managing WTP and Distribution operation
    Monitoring and Supervising the 12 Million USD System Expansion Project

  • 2005 - 2012
    PT. Enviro Nusantara

    Business Development Manager

    Commercial and project development of water infrastructure projects
    PPP tender preparation (unsolicited bid)
    Developing 3 (three) water projects

  • 2002 - 2005
    Suez Environnement - PT. PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (Palyja)

    Deputy for Contract Compliance Manager

    Compliance Monitoring of PALYJA Contract in Western Part of Jakarta
    Deliver all reports as per scheduled in the Contract
    Strategic evaluation of compliance level of PALYJA operation

  • 2001 - 2002
    ONDEO Services Indonesia (now Suez Environnement)

    Senior Engineer in Business Development

    In charge for preparing technical/feasibility study of potential public-private partnerships operation. It includes supervising a rapid diagnosis study of the water supply system in the target-city and developing a technical proposal. PPP Projects: Semarang Water Supply Concession and Ciparen (Ciputat-Pamulang-Pondok Aren) Water Supply Concession.

  • 2001 - 2002
    Suez Environnement (then ONDEO Services) - PT. PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (Palyja)

    Head of OHS (ad interim)

    in charge for initiating and developing health and safety policy
    implementing health and safety programs
    This includes the task to socialize OHS issues through different medium such as newsletter and training programs

  • 2000 - 2001
    ASTRAN (Asia Pacific Technology and Research Network) – ONDEO Services (now Suez Environnement)

    Project Engineer for Network Research Activities

    In charge for assessing pipe network management within ONDEO’s operating companies in Asia Pacific and identify the critical aspects of network management at local conditions. Facilitate the process of introducing and adapting (European) technology/methodology to dealing with pipe network’s technical issues in the context of local operational conditions

  • 1999 - 2000
    Suez Environnement - PT. PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (then Lyonnaise des Eaux)

    Technical Center Manager

    managing the operation of around 1000km of primary networks in Western Part of Jakarta’s water supply system and to manage the updating of primary network database and maps, managing call center for technical complaints, and managing leak repair teams.

  • 1995 - 1997
    PT. Garuda Dipta Semesta (Joint Venture Salim Group & Lyonnaise des Eaux)

    Junior Engineer

    Technical staff of the negotiation team for private investment in Jakarta Water Supply System

  • 1995 - 1995
    PT. Bina Asih - Jakarta (Consultant)

    Junior Engineer

    Reviewed, analyzed, supervised and supported the settlement of Unacounted for Water (UFW) technical-operation teams. Assisting the implementation of new operational system and empowering management’s ability to monitor overall activities.

  • 1993 - 1993
    PT. KinHill Consultant – Bandung

    Surveyor (Part Time)

    Evaluate and field check of BUDP (Bandung Urban Development Project) – wastewater system
