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About me



  • 2022 - 2023
    Eramen Minerals Inc.


    ● Plans and coordinates the production drilling activity on the active mine benches to supplement ore production targets.
    ● Ensures the bench face sampling method on active mine pit meets the IMS standards in compliance to QA/QC.
    ● Performs data collection and validation of drillhole database using power query to maintain data integrity.
    ● Runs and processes drilling data using geological modelling software to visualize and interpret subsurface lithological conditions.
    ● Reconciles the integrity of Ni-Fe ore resource estimates by creating ore model comparison using mine production drilling data.
    ● Set criteria for coring depth and total depth for water well drilling to optimize target tolerance and cost-efficient measures.
    ● Transforms drilling data into interactive charts and metric dashboard to monitor progress of our objectives, targets, and programs for a data-driven decision.
    ● Implements the HSE standards and rectify non-conformances by facilitating toolbox meetings and reiterate implementing rules and regulations (IRRs).

  • 2020 - 2022
    4D Ventures and Development Incorporated

    Senior Geologist

    ● Prepares geological prognosis and identifies geological uncertainties to ensure the efficiency of the drilling program and expectations of the stakeholders are aligned and fully met.
    ● Conducts statistical analysis using histograms, relative index and cumulative frequency distribution relationships to assess the integrity of drilling data prior to ore resource estimation.
    ● Update the management with technical reports, graph trends, and recommendations on ore production quality and providing comprehensive solutions to the potential deviations of the required cut-off grade.
    ● Evaluates and reviews computation of ore blending to ensure shipment grades are met.
    ● Provide leads in reconnaissance and geological mapping of several neighboring islands in Sulu correlating ophiolite zones and establishing geological reports and maps in the conquest of viable ore deposits.

  • 2019 - 2020
    4D Ventures and Development Incorporated

    Exploration Geologist

    ● Ensure timely and accurate delivery of comprehensive geological information for drilling program preparation from spud-in to the completion of all activities that include monitoring of proposed borehole location and surveying, predict target depths, compiling geological data sheet, and lithological profiling for each drill hole.
    ● Plans and coordinates all activities in the assigned area to meet functional objectives.
    ● On-site logging of 2,500 meters of drilling samples as pre-empt measures for sample handling and aide losses during transport.
    ● Conducts geological prognosis of seams of sub-bituminous coal based on core logged data sheets, correlated 2D section views using AutoCAD to assess the production cost versus ore volume.
    ● Analyzes drill hole databases based on metrics and lithological domain classification intended for resource definition through applying constraints and conditional formats for data integrity and completeness.
    ● Aides in the revision of technical reports and submission of monthly to annual updates and recommendations being compliant to the Exploration Work Program (EWP) granted by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau in 2020-2021.

  • 2017 - 2018
    4D Ventures and Development Incorporated


    ● Executes the drilling plan of the undefined areas within the project tenement to verify the extent of ore mineralization and as an addition to the existing mineral reserves.
    ● Collaborate with other geologists and mine supervisors in implementing proper segregation of ore based on low to high grade classification and % nickel grade range.
    ● Identifies buffer zones at the mine pit for high grade nickel ore using geospatial techniques intended for fast-paced ore production.

  • 2015 - 2016
    SR Languyan Mining Corporation

    Junior Geologist

    ● Responsible for the execution of the confirmatory drilling within the tenement targeting the ore-depleted areas prior to mine rehabilitation and development.
    ● Creates weekly thematic maps such as ore thickness (isopach) to delineate remaining ore resources which is crucial in making decisions prior to mine rehabilitation.
    ● Digitizes maps such as contour lines, geological structures, and other regional features using MapInfo software to produce meaningful map visualization needed for the decision-making process.
    ● Produces weekly proposed location of boreholes and drill progress maps to monitor the drilling activity.

  • 2014 - 2014
