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About me



  • 2024 - Present
  • 2022 - Present

    Head (Transformation Diagnostic)

    – Lead and drive the design and the organization transformation program encompassing people, processes and tools.
    – Drive the design, development and implementation of the transformation program through collaboration and integration across the organization.
    – Drive the development and implementation of strategic key intervention plans and operating model to ensure alignment and momentum.
    – Analyse and forecast progress of transformation, organizational climate, and transitions programmes.
    – Scan and surface potential external and internal issues and challenges that deviates from the strategy, and devise intervention or amendment
    – Design and conduct and formulate diagnostic effort and analyse input to capture emerging thoughts on organizational health status
    – Deep dive into diagnostic analysis to identify root cause and area of improvement
    – Drive intervention strategies and plans in managing issues surfaced from organizational diagnosis (i.e., on culture, mindset, and behaviours)
    – Formulate structure tracking and monitoring mechanism to measure overall impact of interventions.

  • 2020 - 2022

    Manager (Alliance Management)

    – Lead alliance activities for Strategic Partners
    – Drive the formulation of alliancing strategies
    – Develop and communicate PETRONAS alliance framework and governance
    – Develop and institutionalise alliance best practice as Centre Of Excellence
    – Ensure line of sight and maximize value within PETRONAS’ alliance portfolio

  • 2016 - 2020

    Business Analyst

    Business Analyst
    Strategy Division
    PETRONAS Dagangan Bhd



    • Develop a long-term growth strategy/blueprint for the company.

    • Execute the consolidation and integration of PDB’s business strategies and plans in regards to the development of the Annual Business Plans, through the facilitation of review & analysis of business lines’ strategies and key initiatives to ensure synergy and alignment to business goals.

    • Facilitate strategic discussion within business lines’ and review the strategies and key initiatives to ensure synergy and alignment to business goals.

    • Involved in digital transformation of the company, focusing on development of situational analysis and digital customer experience journey.

    • Work closely with strategic partners for the collaboration with universities initiative and other strategic projects.


    • Lead the development of External Environment Analysis for Annual Planning Exercise and Corporate Portfolio & Strategy Review by surfacing key insights and relevant signposts (i.e. oil prices trends, industry trends, megatrends, customer behavior analysis and digital trends). Act as Chief Editor of PDB Strategic Insights for internal publication focusing on strategic matters that are impacting the business.

    • Constantly keep abreast and lead the development of competitive landscape analysis. Plan reaction as well as introduce new ideas to the table.

    • Produce comprehensive corporate presentation materials in the form of presentation packs, video montage, gallery walk posters and others.


    • Recognized as a Certified Data Analysis Professional by The KPI Institute.

    • Perform data mining activities to forecast fuel retail volume at risk that will impact the company. Apply regression analysis to evaluate the correlation between various variables and relate to the fuel demand.

    • Technical Analysis on oil prices trends.

  • 2015 - 2016

    Sourcing Executive

    Sourcing Executive
    Supply Chain Management Division
    PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd



    • Lead and be in-charge of strategic sourcing and procurement for SCM (Logistics) Department, focusing on the preparation of Tender Plans, Invitation to Bid (ITB), Tender Evaluations, Tender Negotiations, until issuance of Letter of Award.

    • Execute procurement expediting, inspection, freight forwarding, statutory requirements and surplus materials management for the assigned projects through close interaction with Project team.

    • Develop Overall Contracting Strategy and Master Procurement Plan (MPP) for various projects.

  • 2012 - 2015

    Project Support Executive

    Project Support Executive
    Supply Chain Management Division
    PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd


    Execute the implementation plan of Supply Chain Management (SCM) support for SAMARANG and BOKOR project (an Alliance Project between PETRONAS Carigali and Schlumberger) through direct and full involvement in securing project materials/services and managing cost containment to ensure successful project delivery in an effective and efficient manner from the initiation until completion.

    Among Job Tasks are:

    • OCS and MPP Submission
    Develop Overall Contracting Strategy (OCS) and Master Procurement Plan (MPP) by collaborating with project team on comprehensive requirements, complete schedule and required process, to optimize cost and ensure timely project delivery.

    • Operational Excellence
    Execute procurement expediting, inspection, freight forwarding, statutory requirements and surplus materials management for the assigned project(s) through close interaction with Project team, Strategic Procurement Management and Logistics to achieve maximum materials and logistics effectiveness to support operations of the projects in line with the overall PETRONAS and PCSB’s objectives.

    • Post-award Management
    Conduct post-award activities through continuous monitoring of contract performance to ensure full compliance to the contractual terms and conditions, procedures and regulatory requirements, to minimize interruption to the project.

    • SCM Risk Management
    Facilitate the implementation of risk mitigation plan identified through PIR, PRA, CoRA and CPE exercise to safeguard PCSB interest and minimize business exposure.

    • Advisory Role
    Facilitate and propose solution with respect to SCM activities through close interaction and continuous communication to ensure compliance to PETRONAS policies and procedures, maintain integrity in all aspects of the process, and alignment to business requirements and strategy.

  • 2014 - 2014

    Project Support Executive

    SPECIAL TASK : To implement improvement plan for Supply Chain Management Department (Contract Management Section) PETRONAS Carigali Myanmar Limited (PCML)

    • Outstandingly come out with PCML Contract Management Improvement Plan and expeditiously execute all activities as per plan.

    • Drafted the process flow and procedures for Contract Management Department. Developed CM Guide for Contract Holder and SCM Staff as general guideline in managing post award activities.

    • Established Contract Management Enhanced Datapoint (CoMED) system as database tools to manage and monitor contracts.

    • Organized and presented on Contract Management (CM) Topics every week to all SCM staff during sharing session to ensure better understanding of Contract Management and the process/procedures of managing Contracts.

    • Diligently provide hands-on coaching to all CM staff in dealing with any post award matters. For examples, guide the staff on the right process of dealing with contractual disputes and teach them to prepare contractual notices.

    • Diligently involved in day-to-day operational matters in order to ensure all post award related matters to be resolve accordingly. For instances, assist the team to process Change Orders for Drilling Contracts to cater for upcoming campaign and execute contract closure for all expired contracts.

    • Drive and lead negotiation meeting with Contractors to resolve contractual dispute issues.

    • Organized and presented during CM Roadshow to all Contract Holders (CH) Department. The engagement session provides a platform for CH to share any post award issues and discussed together with SCM. Concurrently allow SCM to highlight on Contract Holder’s roles and responsibility in managing contracts.

    • Constantly follow up with respective CM staff on any outstanding matters to ensure timely completion of the tasks.SPECIAL TASK : To implement improvement plan for Supply Chain Management Department (Contract Management Section) PETRONAS Carigali Myanmar Limited (PCML) • Outstandingly come out with PCML Contract Management Improvement Plan and expeditiously execute all activities as per plan. • Drafted the process flow and procedures for Contract Management Department. Developed CM Guide for Contract Holder and SCM Staff as general guideline in managing post award activities. • Established Contract Management Enhanced Datapoint (CoMED) system as database tools to manage and monitor contracts. • Organized and presented on Contract Management (CM) Topics every week to all SCM staff during sharing session to ensure better understanding of Contract Management and the process/procedures of managing Contracts. • Diligently provide hands-on coaching to all CM staff in dealing with any post award matters. For examples, guide the staff on the right process of dealing with contractual disputes and teach them to prepare contractual notices. • Diligently involved in day-to-day operational matters in order to ensure all post award related matters to be resolve accordingly. For instances, assist the team to process Change Orders for Drilling Contracts to cater for upcoming campaign and execute contract closure for all expired contracts. • Drive and lead negotiation meeting with Contractors to resolve contractual dispute issues. • Organized and presented during CM Roadshow to all Contract Holders (CH) Department. The engagement session provides a platform for CH to share any post award issues and discussed together with SCM. Concurrently allow SCM to highlight on Contract Holder’s roles and responsibility in managing contracts. • Constantly follow up with respective CM staff on any outstanding matters to ensure timely completion of the tasks.

  • 2010 - 2012

    Contract Administrator

    Contract Administrator
    Supply Chain Management Division
    PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd


    Managing post award contractual activities for Samarang and Bokor Alliance Project (an Alliance project between PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd and Schlumberger)

  • 2008 - 2010
    Gamuda Berhad

    Quantity Surveyor

    Responsible for the preparation of Quarterly Board Paper for budget presentation to the board on quarterly basis for Sitra Bridge, Bahrain project. The job tasks involves preparation of budgeting monitoring and control, quantity take-off, cost estimation and etc.

    Among Job Tasks are:

    • Monthly Budget Monitoring and Quarterly Board Paper
    Involved as Project Budget Team and responsible to prepare monthly budget monitoring and Quarterly Board Paper for project budget presentation to Board Members

    • Quantity Takeoff
    Involved as Project Tendering Team and carry out quantity takeoff for the preparation of Bill of Quantities (BoQ) pricing exercise for tender submission.

    • Tender Evaluation
    Carry out tender comparison during tender evaluation

    • Site Evaluation
    Conduct regular site evaluation for progress payment claims

    • Materials Database
    Update material price trends for the company materials price database

    • Project Progress Updates
    Update work progress in work program and monthly resources expenditure.
