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  • Viewed 26



  • 2021 - Present
    U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

    Hydrologic Technician

    Collects and manages water quality and water availability data pertinent to South Florida and the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). Projects include monitoring the extent of saltwater intrusion into the Biscayne Aquifer and quantifying freshwater flow to Florida Bay through Taylor and Shark River sloughs. Field sites are often in remote areas of Everglades National Park, requiring long days aboard airboat and marine boats, operating a variety of water quality sondes and velocity meters, or troubleshooting Data Collection Platforms (DCP) and power supply issues. Freshwater discharge is estimated using the Index Velocity method by use of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) and Acoustic Doppler Velocity Meters. This information is collected in collaboration with State and Federal cooperators to improve water management decisions.

  • 2019 - 2021
    Florida International University

    Graduate Research Assistant

    Research Assistant in the Hydrogeology Lab under Dr. René Price, collecting and characterizing water samples from a recently restored coastal wetland to evaluate the influence of rehydration on wetland and estuarine water chemistry. Analyzed samples for major ions common in natural water (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, SO42-), and stable isotopes of water (d18O and dD) to build an end-member mixing model and distinguish between water sources entering the wetland (canal water, groundwater, precipitation, seawater). Relevant courses include Hydrogeology, Geochemistry, GIS in Water Resources, and Remote Sensing in Hydrology.

  • 2017 - 2019
    U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

    Hydrologic Technician (Land Surveyor)

    Survey crew leader on large flood inundation mapping project funded by FEMA. Conducted whole watershed surveys under the USGS Level II Surveying Guidelines, using survey grade GPS equipment such as Trimble, Topcon, Sokkia, and Nikon brand total stations and data collectors. Typically worked with a Trimble S7 total station and R10 rover, setting elevation control and collecting topographic and bathymetric data on rivers and flood plains, and structures impeding flow including road bridges, train trestles, hydroelectric dams, and historic mill flumes. Worked in both rural and urban environments, with long days and overnight travel, often in adverse weather conditions. Responsible as survey crew leader for mission planning, drawing sketches, processing data in ArcGIS, and keeping careful notes of progress and field conditions. Occasionally rotated with other crews as prism rod person, traversing streams channels to collect cross sections every 1000 feet using chest waders or canoe. Additionally, assessed storm surge inundation and set highwater elevation reference marks in coastal New England and Gulf Coast Florida using a horizontal level, hand GPS unit, compass, and tape. Occasionally assisted in collection of river discharge measurements, coastal water chemistry data, and effluent water quality data for other sections within the office.

  • 2017 - 2017
    Commonwealth of Massachusetts

    Engineering Aide I

    Participated in the Department of Watershed Management\’s \Probabilistic Monitoring and Assessment Program\ to evaluate water quality at lakes and streams throughout Massachusetts. Surveys included sampling of shoreline water quality, stratified water chemistry, invasive macrophytes, littoral zone macroinvertebrates, and fish tissue toxicity. Shoreline sampling often required the use of chest waders to collect grab samples while interpreting water characteristics such as color, clarity, odor, and possible causes for aesthetic degradation. Water chemistry and macroinvertebrate surveys required use of small boats, motors, and a Garmin GPS unit to navigate to sampling sites. Drove large trucks with boats on trailer to sites, launched boats, and drove boats. Collected in-situ water chemistry data using a Hach Surveyor and HydroLab logger/sonde combination. Dissolved oxygen saturation was used to determine the depth of the hypolimnion, where anoxic conditions may exist, and to interpret stages of eutrophication. Assisted laboratory personnel in maintaining and calibrating data sondes, and cleaning and replacing probes. Fish surveys were either on lakes using an electro-shock boat, or by backpack shocking while wading up streams. Fish species were identified and their length and weight were recorded, then filleted to be analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyl and heavy metals. Additionally responsible, up to two days per week, for performing laboratory analyses on water samples for color, turbidity, and chlorophyll a. Operated Hach colorimeter and turbidimeter, and followed SOPs and strict quality control protocols while recording results to paper and electronic databases. Processed chlorophyll a samples by filtering water through a glass fiber Millipore filter, then frozen and disintegrated to determine algal biomass.

  • 2016 - 2017
    National Park Service

    Hydrologist Intern

    Investigated upland spring discharge as a surrogate for monitoring changes in climate, precipitation, and recharge to groundwater. Identified mountain springs most representative of local recharge with consideration to important controls such as elevation, discharge rate, and discharge temperature. The research will assist Park management in differentiating hydrologic impacts due to climate change from groundwater pumping in the region. Monitored well water levels using HOBO Onset and Win-Situ data loggers, and recorded spring chemistry using the YSI Professional Plus data sonde. Processed recovered data into tables and graphs to be evaluated for discrepancies in the hydrologic record. Responsible for maintaining air-quality monitoring station and equipment. Assisted with the installation of Campbell Scientific weather stations and managed data by direct download, and additionally downloaded regional weather station data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to monitor precipitation in the area of the Park.

  • 2016 - 2016
    McClure Engineering, Inc.

    Staff Geologist

    Assisted with groundwater supply and development projects, directing new Public Water Systems towards compliance with Massachusetts 310 CMR 22.00 Drinking Water Regulations. Trained as a water operator to collect field samples and monitor water distribution system and water treatment vessel operation. Collected monthly, quarterly, and yearly samples to monitor for levels within Massachusetts Maximum Contaminant Levels of biologicals, inorganic and organic chemicals, and radionuclides. Communicated with Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection during potential bacterial contamination and followed instruction for repeat sampling and water system chlorination. Used Carlson CAD Software to create process & instrumentation diagrams, showing each distribution system\’s piping and treatment components. Compiled operation and maintenance manuals, and emergency response plans for each distribution system. Oversaw construction and installation of water line and well pumps, and conducted aquifer pump tests for newly operational wells. Reviewed plans to be signed and stamped by the Professional Engineer.

  • 2015 - 2015
    National Park Service

    Karst Hydrogeologist Intern

    Learned about the potential for groundwater contamination in an area characterized by karst topography, rich with sinkholes and highly developed karst networks. Reviewed dye tracing literature and composed a summary report of all published dye tracing investigations done within the Buffalo River watershed to better understand the connection between surface water and ground water. Collected grab water samples from streams using Whirl-Paks, and measured stream depth and flow velocity using a top setting wading rod. Operated a YSI data sonde for in-situ water chemical analysis for dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, and specific conductivity, and measured turbidity in the laboratory using a HACH Turbidimeter 2100N. Incubated samples and detected the presence of total coliforms and E. coli using the IDEXX Colilert-18 Quanti-Tray Most Probable Number method. Acted as netman on electrofishing river boats to evaluate returning annual population of game fish in the Buffalo National River. Assisted with cave research projects to determine the spread of White Nose Syndrome in the Park and contributed to biological surveys and cave mapping expeditions.

  • 2014 - 2015
    Front of House Associate

    Front of House Associate
